Trail Maintenance

The Saint Joseph Trail Alliance maintains public-private partnerships with Saint Joseph Parks & Recreation and the Missouri Department of Conservation with a Memorandum of Understanding or Agreement (MOU or MOA) to maintain multi-use singletrack trails for mountain biking & hiking in the Saint Joseph area.

These public-private partnerships for trail management and maintenance are common and are in place to establish roles and responsibilities for parties engaged in trail maintenance and development.

This trail maintenance log sheet is designed to track and document any new enhancements, features, repairs, or desired improvements for the trail systems at Sunbridge, Krug Park, and the Lower Four (Girlscout, Brownie, Corby North, and Corby South). This serves as a convenient tool for trail users, volunteers, or maintenance crews to log important information regarding the trail's condition and potential areas of improvement.

To use:

  1. Trail System: Use the tabs at the bottom of the spreadsheet to Identify the trail system being assessed.

  2. Date: Record the date of the trail maintenance log entry.

  3. Location on the trail: Specify the exact location or starting point of the trail. Be as descriptive as possible. Share pin coordinates or use the What3Words app.

  4. Description: Describe the enhancement, feature, repair or desired improvement. This should focus on what is wrong, or what needs addressed.

  5. Solution: Describe potential solutions, please be as descriptive as possible.

  6. Weather Conditions: include any images to help describe the enhancement, feature, repair or desired improvement.

  7. Trail Users: Indicate the types of users who may use the trail, such as hikers, bikers, runners, or all users.