We are a non-profit association whose mission is to maintain, improve & promote trails for all trail users in St. Joseph, MO, & to create a trail-friendly community through awareness, safety advocacy, & promotion of all trails for fun, fitness & transportation.

Our Mission:

📷 John Bachman

“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.” ~ Helen Keller

  • 📷 Ann Marie Chappell

    Our Board of Directors

    Our Board of Directors is our governing body, established by a small group of passionate area trail runners, hikers, and mountain bikers. Our focus is to guide the organization towards a sustainable future by adopting sound, ethical and legal governance for our community.

    📷 Ann Marie Chappell

  • 📷 Ann Marie Chappell

    Our Trail Network

    Saint Joseph is home to miles of multi-use single-track trails, each providing a variety of terrain for any skill set and experience level. Our newest addition, River Bluff Trails Park, brings an additional 12+ miles of adaptive, progressive trails catered to any outdoor enthusiast. Need a guide? You’re in the right place!

    📷 Ann Marie Chappell

  • 📷 Ann Marie Chappell

    Our Advocacy

    Behind our trail network is an army of volunteers who work tirelessly to keep our trails in good shape for all to enjoy. Our volunteers are not unlike you and me, they do not have any more time than the average person, but they are committed to driving local advocacy efforts and bringing the community together.

    📷 Ann Marie Chappell