“If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?"

-Dr. George Berkeley

Anglo-Irish philosopher 

Of course it does, and usually it lands right on the trail!

Please use the following form to report downed trees or any other maintenance issues you run across out on the trails.

Additional items we would like to know about include: overgrown vegetation, trail difficult to follow (poor blazing or signage), standing water or mud (note: some mud during wet weather is normal.), water bars or ditches full (not draining water off of trail), trash or dumping, and vandalism.

Please note, trail issues for River Bluff Trails Park should be sent to the Saint Joseph Parks and Recreation. Contact information can be found on the Parks and Rec website: here.

When reporting please be as specific as possible.

  • What3Words users should include the 3-Word Address at the location of the trail issue. More information on what3words and how to download: Here.

  • Trailforks users can submit reports using the mobile app. You can even take a photo and it will be uploaded with the report! Find out how Here!

  • Contact the Trail Alliance directly by filling out the following form or send us an email to saintjosephtrailalliance@gmail.com

Thank you for your contribution!!